Digital security threats are too diverse and dynamic for any organization to handle alone.
PH-ISAC helps health and community transportation-related organizations improve their digital security posture—reducing the risk of a cybersecurity breach.
PH-ISAC does this through providing threat intel that helps to identify cybersecurity threats and helping organizations document that they are following cybersecurity best practices.
If a member organization experiences a cybersecurity-related breach, PH-ISAC is available to help with incident reporting and federal penalties/liabilities avoidance.
PH-ISAC is in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 405(d) Approaches, recognized by HITECH Act Amendment Public Law 116-321.

Who PH-ISAC Helps
PH-ISAC concentrates on helping health delivery organizations that are small, rural, independent, under-resourced, remote, or just don’t “fit in a box.”
That means, PH-ISAC works with organizations such as: